Engineering degrees

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Engineering degrees

Engineering is a particularly rewarding profession. After all, engineering is vital to everyday living. It ensures the safety of our roads and railway lines, provides us with the water we drink, and ensures communication via the device with which you’re reading these words.An Open University degree in engineering will open up a wide range of possibilities for you, whether you wish to pursue a career in engineering or another profession.

Why study engineering at The Open University?

The Open University is the world’s leading distance-learning provider.  Our academic reputation is second to none, we rate consistently highly in the UK’s national student satisfaction survey, and our courses offer the flexibility for you to learn while you work and to fit your studies around your lifestyle.

Our Engineering studies are part of our Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology. This faculty is renowned for the quality of its teaching and research.

Learn how study works and read our success stories.

Career prospects for Open University engineering graduates

An Engineering degree opens up a wealth of career opportunities, whether you wish to become an incorporated or chartered engineer in industry, or take your transferable skills and experience into the world of commerce.